Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Sorry I missed everyone this holiday but I think I got to talk to most of you.  My team and I had 4 and 1/2 days off for Thanksgiving, a much needed break from FEMA.  We had our team dinner on Wednesday night because some of my teammates weren't going to be around on Thursday.  It was a delicious meal but didn't come close to a home made meal.  On Thanksgiving Day I ran a 5 mile Turkey Trot.  I ran through downtown Austin with 12,000 other runners.  I had such a good time.  My time was 43.44, not bad considering I haven't run/trained much since I've been in Austin (It's hard to go for a run when working 10 hr days).  It was a little unusual not being home for Thanksgiving but talking to everyone made me feel less home sick.  I spent the rest of the weekend exploring Austin.  Yesterday I went to the Austin History Museum.  Let me tell you...Texans are passionate about their self identify as the Lone Star State.  Today I get to watch the Patriots game, and I am excited because I missed last weeks game.  I have been able to watch the BC games and they have been exciting.  I'm hoping for an ACC championship next week.  I will be going to Galveston this Friday for a day trip.  It will be interesting to see all the devastation.  I'll check in soon.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's great for all of us to hear from you, Dan!
I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving.

We all thought of you over the hoilday - thanks for the calls!

I look forward to hearing all about Galveston - it has quite a history!
I hope you weren't as disappointed in the Pats as we were - at least BC won - UNH won, too!
Have a good week! Thanks for the blogging!