Thursday, November 6, 2008


Greetings from Austin!!!  My team and I arrived safely on Tuesday night.  We left Denver Monday morning and stayed the night in Amerillo, Tx.  All together the trip was 17 hours.  I enjoyed looking at new landscape, the flat plains and farmland is very different from the New England hills and pine trees.  
I am working with FEMA in the JFO (Joint Field Office).  Basically when a state declares a state of emergency FEMA creates a headquarters in the capital of that state.  After hurricane Ike Texas declared a state of emergency and FEMA set up shop in a vacant JCPenny building.  I will be working in the JFO for the next 6 weeks in the PPI (pre placement interview) department.  My job is to contact people in the disaster area and ask them about there housing situation and offer them FEMA aid.  It isn't the job I would of picked for myself but I do like knowing I am helping someone get a roof over their head.  Because Texas is still in a "disaster' state I will be working 60hr weeks.  (I work with people that work 7-7 7 days a week, they get a day off every two weeks)  I am hoping that the majority of my calls are to people that have already received some aid (the storm happened two months ago) and may or may not need more assistance.  
My team is staying in an extended stay hotel.  Bill is my roomie and we share a room with a king size bed, a pull out couch, 2 tv's and a mini kitchen.  I got the bed because I am older than Bill...gotta love seniority.  The team is optimistic about the work and we are all very excited to be in Austin.  Last night I had the chance to explore 6th street and see a couple live bands.  
I will try to keep you all updated what's going on even if it isn't exciting.  I hope all is well and I will check in soon!!!


Unknown said...

We're glad you're finally in Texas (I think you left some snow behind in Colorado - nice timing)!

Keep the faith, Dan, and enjoy Austin when you can.

Unknown said...

Good luck with those phone calls - you are a man of many talents, Dan!
Don't forget the Pats/Bills tomorrow.

We all miss you! We'll save some of those leaves for ya for raking!

Unknown said...

Hi, Dan!
We can't wait for your next update!

Believe it or not your sister, Eileen, is going to the Pats game tonight.